In 2015, a revolution in agriculture began, in which DJI drones play a significant role and are a major contributor. Drones are changing the face of global agriculture, providing enormous opportunities for precision management of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, crop protection products) and natural resources (soil, water).

With rising production costs and declining profitability, agricultural producers today should pay attention to every element of farming technology that helps reduce the cost of growing crops. The search for ways to reduce the cost of elements of agricultural technology leads us to the consideration of the widespread use of drones in the cultivation of fields in order to increase crop yields and the development of modern agricultural technologies for growing crops that conserve resources.
The drone revolution has grown globally in a relativelly short time, with drones currently being used in agriculture in many countries on different continents. The technology makes it possible to save large amounts of water ( in some cases even chemistry ), which is a big help especially in countries that have a problem with this (e.g. Spain, Italy…). We can find many articles and studies on drone solutions in agriculture, and the reasons why this technology is beneficial in today’s agriculture.

One of the interesting and informative articles is, for example, the application of fertilizers on rice, where it was possible to increase the yield by 8% with 20% less fertilizer applied thanks to a variable application with a DJI Agras T30 drone:
Another article demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of drone technology is, for example, the application of insecticide to protect potatoes with the DJI MG-1P drone:
Improving soybean yield with spot applications for weed control:
This article discusses an application carried out in the USA. The farm has adopted a solution for weed eradication using DJI drones and a local (or spot) application. As a result, besides saving money, it was possible to save 60% of the herbicide and also the crop, as the drone did no damage with its “ride”.
This “drone” revolution came to the Slovak market in 2019, when we entered the market as the first official service provider with Agras drones for spraying, specifically with the DJI Agras T20 model (we currently use the DJI Agras T30 model).
To date, there are various models of DJI brand spraying drones on the domestic market: the DJI Agras T30, T10, older models such as the T20 and T16. Currently the most widely used drone for spraying fields, orchards and vineyards is the DJI Agras T30, which is also currently the flagship of spraying drones.

Currently, as an official distributor of these drones, we are trying to inform the public about the use of this technology in agriculture and also about its advantages or disadvantages compared to ground-based technology.